Being To Obsessed With Personal Development - Jack Canfield

In this clip from the Selling With Love Podcast, Jason Marc Campbell talks with Jack Canfield about the pitfalls of excessive personal development obsession. Canfield stresses the need for balance, cautioning against using personal growth activities as a form of procrastination.

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🎙️Guest’s Bio
Jack Canfield is a legend in the field of personal growth and a pioneer in the industry. He is the man behind the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul publishing empire, a multiple New York Times best-selling author, and the founder of the Transformational Leadership Council, a prestigious group of leaders and experts in the field of personal and professional development. Jack has been featured on Oprah, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and countless other media outlets. He is also the creator of the Success Principles, a powerful system that teaches people how to achieve their goals and dreams. Jack is a passionate and inspiring speaker, trainer, and coach who has helped millions of people around the world transform their lives.