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Great content
🏜 🚢🗺

Easy listening. Valuable, positive, progressive ideas to ponder.

Good stuff
Sounds great and very motivating! I like it and intrested to listen more .

Jon&Missy Butcher
Amazing podcast. Like All of them.

I LOVE everything by Mindvalley
Thank you for bringing attention to the career area of our lives. I really love everything that Mindvalley comes up with.

Goal setting 2020
Jon and Missy on goal setting was very inlighting.Their ideas resonates With practical advise and detailed to suit anyone.

Goal Setting 2020
Very helpful to think of setting annual goal and then breaking it into 90-day-goal setting towards the big one! Love the realization that achieving some goals will not give the results we imagined but we learn from that.

Take Action
Heed this advice, and 2020 can be the year things finally fall into place for you.

Life changing
Great podcast. I have learned a lot and what is the best it is easy to use in real life

A wonderful support for the new year and goal setting, thank you!

Now I have the right tools to set my goals and make 2020 my best year!
Can’t wait to improve every area of my life!

Clear deal
Great minds that care to share...truly happiness is in giving. Thank you for having this medium to connect to an extraordinary minds

Love this podcast
So happy and thankful for this podcast, I enjoy listening and I love learning new ways to improve my life for the better.

The best team! Amazing podcasts
Thanks for the amazing job ! This is a wonderful podcast, I love how you teach and share your knowledge.. your team is “the best “ . Thank you very much for this podcast and app !! Gracias por este excelente trabajo. Me encanta todo lo que hacen y como enseñan y comparten conocimiento. Están realizando un gran aporte en el mundo. Y amo ser parte de ello.! Gracias por este excelente app y podcast !! M.E.G.

Goal setting 2020
This is very helpful. I appreciate the insight on why we lose steam i.e. because of the lack of purpose in the goals. Purpose is the life-energy that propels us towards achieving our goals.

Unlocks your Clarity of Purpose
Mindvalley’s podcast on Goal 2020 with Jon Butcher ignited that inner longing in me on discovering and unlocking my own truth, my own purpose, my own values, my own goal based on my very soul’s purpose. Thank you mindvalley podcast with Jon Butcher in helping take an inspired action and commitment. More power,love and blessings to you guys.

Super informative
The episode has so many tricks and tips that might sound easy but actually very VERY helpful. I personally went through many of the mentioned networking mistakes and had to lean the hard way. Love the episode and excited to check the online course :)

Great start
But I do see this podcast are great. So far there is great content .

Mindvalley podcast
Definetely the greatest in Personal Development

Men and women at the workplace.
I am a woman in charge of a team of men. I found this episode very enlightening and will listen to it a couple more times. I think it will be very helpful with my communication and as a result job quality and satisfaction. Thank you!

Goal setting
As all Mindvalkes learning experiences the goal setting podcast was encouraging!

Great Goal Setting Tips!
Helped me to realize the importance for my personality to set monthly goals that build to a yearly goal to avoid getting overwhelmed and just quitting what I started. Also LOVE the question of asking “is it worth it” when developing a goal!

Fantastic Podcast on Goal Setting!
I just listened to the 2020 Goal-setting podcast and it was astonishingly eye-opening. So informative and intriguing. I can’t wait to find out more about the Lifebook course. I’m eager to in learn more about the processes it offers because it certainly sounds like it would be one phenomenal guide/blueprint for setting, reaching, and achieving goals. A structured approach to effective goal-setting is exactly what I need to assist me in the pursuit of the Lifestyle of my dreams. ~ Yvonne B. Wildomar, CA

I think this gives a good start for this year 2020

Actionable Information!
Love that the conversations here are actionable!

Lifebook = Life Changing
I have so much respect for Vishen Lankhiani for giving this world a gift aka Mind Valley. And I really adore Jon & Missy Butcher and I am sooooooo excited for starting my first Lifebook Journey from 20th Jan 2020. ♥️

Men and women at the workplace
Enlightening. Thank you.

Love to listen to these when I drive home after I brought my children to school. That’s ‘me-time’, time to learn and mindvalley has an interesting new guest and or topic every time. For every mood or situation I can find a relating topic

I listen to a lot of podcasts (I have a very long commute and I like to alternate between audiobooks and podcasts) but Superhumans at Work has become one of my favorites. The guests come from diverse places and each has something unique to offer. As with any podcast, some speak to me more than others but I have gotten a lot to fuel my personal growth journey here.

Goal setting mastery
A really helpful interview on goal setting and more that contributed a lot to my new year’s resolutions effort. Besides there is also a number of really helpful interviews on working environment that you can rely on.