Sept. 3, 2020

Dealing With Workplace Anxiety - Charles Linden

Dealing With Workplace Anxiety - Charles Linden

‘Anxiety is the inappropriate manifestation of fear.’

Anxiety is the inappropriate manifestation of fear.’ 

We all know someone, if not ourselves, who has struggled with depression or anxiety. A college student who is terrified of giving presentations or a friend with social anxiety who doesn’t want to leave the house. To help, we might suggest therapy or breathing exercises - grasp at anything we have read here or there. Stress and anxiety recovery consultant Charles Linden is here to show you how to really help. 

Listen out for:

  • The difference between depression and anxiety.
  • The biggest misunderstanding in the world of mental health. 
  • What really happens when you panic.
  • Which industries have higher rates of anxiety?
  • The best First-Aid techniques to overcome stage fright.


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