Going Viral On Social Media

In this video clip from the Selling With Love Podcast, Jason Marc Campbell sits down with the great and powerful Alan Zhao to discuss how simply chasing viral social media content is not an effective marketing strategy - the content needs to be tied to solving your customers' problems and educating them on your brand's mission.

👉 Watch The Full Episode Here - https://youtu.be/C4sqOlvvZqA

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🎙️Guest’s Bio
Alan Zhao is the co-founder and CEO of Warmly, a cutting-edge revenue orchestration platform that helps businesses capture leads at the right time with the right message. With a background in finance and an early fascination with AI technology, Alan has taken an unconventional path to entrepreneurship. He began his career on a trading floor before joining an AI email scheduling company. A pivotal moment came when he co-founded and ran a Vietnamese restaurant in Dallas, providing him with invaluable lessons on problem-solving and understanding customer needs. Driven by a passion for innovation, Alan has pivoted through multiple startups, each time refining his approach and gaining insights into the ever-evolving tech landscape. Today, he leads Warmly with a unique mindset that views entrepreneurship as a game of uncovering the truth and building a movement.